Estate Planning

When I die....Who will take care of my minor and disabled children?

Who  will manage money left to my children? How can my estate avoid estate taxes?

Properly planned estate documents will contain the answers to these questions.   

Without planning, New York State law will determine guardianship of your children and asset distribution.You may be concerned with providing for your minor or disabled child, protecting your estate from unnecessary taxes, or safeguarding your assets against the cost of long-term care. If you have any of these concerns, it is vital that you plan. Without doing so, the laws and courts of New York will dictate what happens to your estate and who will care for your children. 

Did you know that absent a will, New York State requires an estate to be distributed to both your spouse and children? Whatever your concerns are, Mottola Law Office PLLC, will create a comprehensive plan to meet your goals.No two estate plans are exactly the same. Every client comes to us with unique needs. We are dedicated to drafting the estate planning documents needed to meet all of your concerns.

Currently New York State imposes an estate tax on all estates with assets in excess of a certain limit.  Life insurance is generally included in the value of the estate.  Many middle class clients with a home, life insurance, and a small IRA have estates in excess of the New York State limit so must plan to avoid this tax.

If you plan, estate taxes can be reduced or eliminated.We can create a comprehensive plan for you and your family.  We can help you determine which documents are best suited to achieve your goals. Call 631-581-1700 or contact us online to schedule an appointment with an estate planning attorney.